Mrs. Lemos Reads...

The I love You Book


Ms. Harris Reads...

The Rainbow FIsh

Harris The Rainbow Fish.mp4

MRs. Rice Reads...

Pizza Pat

Rice - Pizza Pat.mp4

Mrs. Veneziale Reads...

What the Dinosaurs did Last Night

with special guests Matteo and Giovanni

Mrs. Veneziale What The Dinosaurs Did Last Night

Mrs. Cohen Reads...

Curious George and the Pizza Party

Mrs. Cohen - Curious George and the Pizza Party.mp4

Mrs. Dallahan Reads...

Dallahan_Ellie, The Perfect Dress for Me.mp4

The Perfect Dress for Me

with special guest Ellie

Dallahan_The Extremely Silly Joke Book.mp4

The Extremely Silly Joke Book

with special guest Ellie

Mrs. Franciosa Reads...

If You Give a Mouse A Cookie

Mrs. Franciosa--If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.mp4

Mrs. Raby Reads...

Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing

Animals should

Mrs. Bell Reads...

Officer Buckle and Gloria

Bell Officer Buckle and Gloria.mp4

Mrs. Bell Reads...

Officer Buckle and Gloria

Bell Officer Buckle and Gloria.mp4

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